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Patternist is a service to connect designers and yarn dyers/yarn shops for upcoming pattern launches.

Patternist collects pattern previews from designers about upcoming pattern launches and collate to a newsletter to yarn dyers and yarn shops to give them a heads up if they are interested in curating yarn sets or similar. A kind of Reuters or TT of pattern news.Designers can send pattern previews to Patternist and they are then added to a fortnightly newsletter sent to yarn dyers and yarn shops. No promise of promotion is given to either designers or newsletter recipients, only the preview information so designers and dyers/shops can contact each other to work out collaborations.

This is a brand new project and therefore all feedback is hugely helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, please email to

The patterns need to have a publish date a minimum of 3 weeks in the future. If the publish date is too soon the pattern may be excluded from the newsletter.
What you need to send us to be included in the Patternist newsletter:

Pattern photo
Pattern name
Designer name
Which yarn was used in the sample
Quantities of yarn used in sample
Publishing date
Date when the pattern can be mentioned publicy
Link to your website (or Ravelry/Facebook/Instagram)
Brief description of the pattern (optional)

You can email the pattern information to or submit via this form

T&Cs for newsletter recipients
We're currently only accepting yarn dyers and yarn shops to receive the newsletter, this means that you need to provide a link to your business so we can confirm that you qualify for the newsletter.

By signing up to the newsletter you commit to keep the information in the newsletter confidential until the pattern release date (or marketing date) given in the newsletter. If breached you will immediately be removed from the distribution list.

The information collected when you sign up to the newsletter is used to improve your experience with the newsletter and is not shared with anyone.

The designers are responsible for the accuracy of the information for each pattern.

Please use this form to sign up to the newsletter

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Terms and conditions


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