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Me Made May and my inner peer pressure

Dear self It's ok not to have made your wardrobe yourself. It's ok to buy clothes in shops. Sure, you've knitted a lot of sweaters, shawls, hats, etc. but you don't have to weave your own fabrics and sew your own clothes - you make a lot of other things! What about the print on the wall you made? Or the necklace? You made those! Be proud of things you've made or accomplished, even though it may not be your whole outfit.  May is a fantastic month and on social media a lot of the peope I follow celebrate Me Made May, a celebration of a home made wardrobe. I can sometimes feel the pressure to join in the choir, but the truth is that I've made the decision not to make my own clothes. I want to spend my time on other things and I'm happy to go shopping for my clothes. During MeMadeMay I sometimes have to remind myself that it is OK to wear store bought clothes. For some people it's not a choice, they may not know how to sew, in my case it's more of a ch...
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Search and you shall find

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