I often wonder what I have to say to the world, why should anyone listen to me? My day job is with a multiple brands with very specific brand identities and I often work with people to encourage them to find their own brand, but then I stand here as a bad example, with no brand identity at all. I am versatile and know a little about a lot, and that is great and super useful for me in many ways; but it's not at all helpful when it comes to create and promote my own brand. I'm drawn to neon and strong colours, at the same time I love muted dirty pastels and neutrals. I listen to all kinds of music, jazz, blues, hard rock, pop; they all have their time and place. I'm drawn to both big cities and the country side, noise and and silence, and I need both to feel good. Loving one of them doesn't mean you have turn your back on the other. Being versatile gives me too many options, but it also gives me opportunity to try out everything before I decide what I want to keep doi...