Communication is important. We live in a society where we have 100's of communication channels in our mobile phones and most of us spend a significant part of our work day in front of a computer communicating with other people. Upping your communication game can change everything for you. I don't claim to be an expert, in fact, I fall into a LOT of communication traps all the time. This post is just as much for me as it is for you, I need to remind myself of some very essential points of successful communication from time to time. A message not understood is a useless message, and you can't blame the receiver for not understanding. If you want someone to understand your message, you need to make sure it's optimised for your reader. The most obvious mistake is sending a message in a language the receiver doesn't speak, but it doesn't end there. Words are only a portion of a language, there are cultural and traditional nuances to take into consideration as well...